Friday, 10 July 2009

E4 Esting - Plat4mer

Its done. It's on the website and it's still cool, although at a stretched aspect ratio. Had I known, and I probably should, I could have made it 16:9. However it's done now, it cannot be changed.

Take a look at it here.

This year the competition is not based on a popularity contest so you don't have to sign in a vote for it if you don't want to. I would be appreciated, but I understand if not. I'd like the views to be higher though so to quote Batman, "I want you to tell all your friends about me."

Despite my grudges I've still uploaded the thing on youtube as well.

Hope you like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First person to comment! Score!
However I actually laboured over what to say for some time: should I -
a) write a long eloquent comment putting me neatly into the family/friend comentator category.
b) write something internaff like "me likey dis 1" and label myself as illiterate blog hopper.
c) write something neat and neutral.

I went for the final option, but it's brevity is no reflection on how much I think it's ace. unless like reflection is indirectly proportionate.